By Guest on Friday, 27 May 2022
Category: Blog

What You Need to Know About Microchipping in Fishers

May is Chip Your Pet Month, and it is a perfect time to educate yourself on the many rewards of having your pet chipped. According to research, approximately one in three companion animals will likely be stolen or get lost at some point in their life. Sadly, only a small percentage will ever make it back home.

Doors and fences help keep pets safely at home, but accidents can happen at any time. Chipping your pet is a good way to improve your likelihood of having them be returned to you if they are ever stolen or get lost. The skilled vets at PetVet Animal Hospital provide safe and effective microchipping in Fishers and are here to help you protect your furry friend. Keep reading to discover some things you should know about animal microchipping.

Benefits of Microchipping Your Pet

No matter how careful you are, there's no way to 100 percent prevent pet theft and loss. By having your pet chipped, however, you greatly increase the likeliness of being reunited if a disaster ever strikes. If your dog or cat is brought to an animal hospital or animal shelter, they will be scanned for a microchip. As long as the information stored in your account is accurate, someone will get in touch with you to reunite you with your dog or cat.

What Is The Microchipping Process Like?

Having a pet microchipped is quick and feels like getting a shot. Roughly the same size as a grain of rice, the chip is placed between the shoulder blades. A syringe is used to inject the chip, so anesthesia is not necessary. A proficient vet can microchip a pet in just a few seconds, and there is no need for any recovery time after the procedure.

These chips are completely safe and don't contain personal information. Every chip has a unique identification number that's linked to an account that contains your contact info. Keeping this information current when you move to a new home or get a new phone number is extremely important and can be done online in seconds.

Call Now to Have Your Pet Microchipped in Fishers

Having your beloved pet microchipped is fast, and inexpensive, and doing so significantly improves your odds of finding your pet if they are ever stolen or get lost. The choice is yours, but at PetVet Animal Hospital in Fishers, we recommend microchipping in Fishers and the surrounding areas for almost all of the patients we serve. Contact us now to learn more or make an appointment.