By Guest on Monday, 19 July 2021
Category: Blog

Summertime Pet Safety: Recommendations from a Vet in Fishers

With summer in full swing, now is a fantastic opportunity to enjoy time with loved ones. Sadly, sunny summer days and pets don’t always mix. As the temperature soars, it is crucial to understand how to keep your fur baby out of harm's way. Here at PetVet Animal Hospital, our team never wants to witness any pets experiencing heat-related illnesses. Learn how to protect your pet with these safety tips from a vet in Fishers.

Leave Your Four-Legged Co-Pilot at Home

Your pet may love car rides, but you should not leave them sitting in your car in warm weather. They would be way happier - and safer - at home. When it’s 85 degrees outside, the inside of a car can reach 120 degrees in just 30 minutes. Leaving a window slightly open or parking your car in a shady spot doesn't help as much as most people believe. And leaving the vehicle running with the air conditioner on full blast is not a solution, either. 

Even new cars can have mechanical problems, and it's possible for unattended pets to inadvertently switch off the air conditioner or even bump the car into gear. Leaving a pet alone in a car is extremely risky and can turn deadly in an instant. No matter how much your pet likes going with you, you should never leave them in your car alone during hot weather. 

Make Sure They Have More Than Enough Water

Pets should have water available to them all the time. This is especially important during warm weather, though, due to the increased risk of dehydration. Make sure their water bowl at home is always full. Bring along a bottle of water and a collapsible dish when taking your four-legged best friend for a walk, too. This is important even if you are only taking a short stroll. 

Protect Your Pup's Paws

The air temperature isn't the only thing you need to worry about during the summer. Pavement gets extremely hot, too, and can burn your pet's paws. Black asphalt could be an astonishing 60 degrees hotter than the surrounding area and can cause serious burns in as little as 60 seconds. When possible, it is safest to walk your dog on the grass during hot weather. When you must walk on a paved surface, check the temperature with your hand before letting your pet walk on it. If it’s too hot to keep your hand on it for a minimum of 10 seconds, it is hot enough to damage your pet’s paws. Purchasing a pair of booties is a great way to protect your pet's paws when walking on hot pavement is unavoidable. 

Visit a Vet in Fishers for Flea, Tick, and Heartworm Prevention

Fleas, ticks, and heartworm love warm weather. Making an appointment with a vet in Fishers is the best way to keep your pet current on safe and effective flea, tick, and heartworm preventatives.

Does your cat or dog need a highly qualified vet in Fishers? If so, we'd love to lend a paw. Give us a call now to schedule your pet's appointment at PetVet Animal Hospital.