By Guest on Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Category: Blog

Stop by Your Vet for a Pet Wellness Exam in Fishers Today

Your pet depends on you to take the best care of their health and wellness, and as a devoted pet owner, you take that responsibility seriously. So for National Pet Wellness Month this October, it’s a good time to take stock of everything you can do to make sure your dog or cat has everything they need to live their best, longest, healthiest life. And one of the best things you can do to keep your dog or cat healthy is to visit to Pet Vet Animal Hospital for a pet wellness exam in Fishers. Keep reading to learn more! 

What is a Wellness Exam?

A pet wellness exam is a comprehensive physical and screening that monitors your pet’s development, looks for signs that they may be experiencing discomfort or disease, and assesses their overall health. When your pet gets wellness exams on a regular schedule (annually in most cases, but sometimes more often depending on your pet), they offer an important window on your pet’s health.

What Do They Involve?

Step one of a wellness exam is a physical examination. We will check your pet’s coat, eyes, teeth, skin, and more for signs of poor health, injuries, parasites, or any hints of a medical problem that needs further investigation. We will also feel for unexplained masses or enlarged organs and check your pet’s movement and posture for signs of musculoskeletal problems. Lastly, blood work, urine and/or stool samples, and possibly even x-rays will fill in the blanks and provide insight into any hidden issues the physical exam can’t detect.

Keep Your Pet Healthy with a Pet Wellness Exam in Fishers

Talk to us to learn more about the right schedule of wellness exams for your pet, and make sure to keep to it. These exams are one of the best ways to catch potentially serious health problems early, not to mention helping you assess the care your pet is getting in everything from diet to exercise to grooming, and how it might be improved. Keeping your pet in their best health is important, and a pet wellness exam in Fishers is an important way to do just that. Call now to schedule your pet’s appointment.