By Guest on Friday, 19 February 2021
Category: Blog

Spay and Neuter in Carmel: Important Facts You Should Know

Did you know that, in addition to being Pet Dental Health Awareness Month, February is Spay and Neuter Awareness Month? As a pet owner, having your dog or cat spayed/neutered is one of the best things you can do for their health and well-being. It also prevents them from contributing to the more than 6 million animals that enter American animal shelters each year. At PetVet Animal Hospital, we provide spay and neuter for pets in the Carmel, IN, area, and we would be more than happy to perform this life-improving procedure on your cat or dog. Keep reading to learn more about why you should have your furry friend spayed/neutered. 

Benefits of Having Your Pet Spayed or Neutered

Spaying and neutering both prevent unplanned and unwanted litters of puppies and kittens. These procedures do so much more than that, though. If you have a female pet, having her spayed eliminates her risk of reproductive cancers and pyometra. Spaying also lowers the risk of mammary tumors. Having your male pet neutered eliminates his risk of testicular cancer and diminishes the risk of prostate problems. 

In addition, spaying and neutering reduce the risk of endocrine disorders like diabetes. Because they eliminate pets’ urges to reproduce, they can also curb problematic and annoying behaviors like yowling, howling, spraying, and roaming. These procedures can also lessen aggression and territorial behavior, especially in males. 

Despite what many people believe, having your pet spayed/neutered won’t make them fat and lazy. It is up to you as a pet parent to ensure that your furry family member consumes a well-balanced diet and gets enough exercise.

Spay and Neuter in Carmel

If you are searching for a vet that provides spay and neuter in Carmel, Indiana, and the surrounding areas, look no further! At PetVet Animal Hospital, we strongly recommend spaying and neutering for the vast majority of our patients. And when you choose us for your pet’s procedure, you can rest assured knowing that they will be in excellent hands and receive top-notch care every step of the way. 

To find out more or to schedule your furry friend’s appointment to be spayed or neutered, contact us today!