By Guest on Tuesday, 26 July 2022
Category: Blog

Protect Your Pet in Honor of National Lost Pet Prevention Month: Tips From Your Fishers Vet

No one wants to imagine their beloved companion wandering off and getting lost. Sadly, pets go missing every single day. In fact, about 10 million pets get lost every year in the United States. Many make their way to shelters, and if they aren’t microchipped or wearing ID tags, they’re not likely to be reunited with their owners. 

As your Fishers vet, we don’t want you to have to suffer the heartbreak of losing a pet. That’s why we’re sharing a few tips for protecting your pet in honor of National Lost Pet Prevention Month, which takes place annually in July. Keep reading to learn more from the veterinarians at PetVet Animal Hospital

1. Have Them Chipped

When it comes to preventing pet loss, microchipping is essential. This simple, non-surgical procedure takes just seconds and provides a lifetime of protection. And unlike ID tags, microchips can’t fall off. Most pets experience little to no discomfort during microchipping, and they can resume normal activities immediately after leaving our office. 

2. Keep Their ID Tag Up-to-Date

All pets should wear well-fitting collars with ID tags — even if they are microchipped. Protect your companion by checking their tag regularly to ensure that is legible and has up-to-date contact information. 

3. Have Them Spayed or Neutered

Spaying and neutering do more than prevent pets from reproducing. These procedures also offer numerous health benefits and can decrease the odds of your pet wandering away. Spaying and neutering remove an animal’s desire to reproduce, making them much less likely to wander off and get lost while searching for a mate. 


Start Protecting Your Pet Today with Help from Your Fishers Vet

The month may be drawing to a close, but there’s never a bad time to take steps to protect your furry friend. Give us a call to schedule an appointment for microchipping, spaying, or neutering, or to discuss more ways in which you can protect your feline friend or canine companion.