By Guest on Thursday, 22 April 2021
Category: Blog

Pet Surgery near Carmel

Sending your beloved companion in for surgery is frightening for any pet parent. Unfortunately, just like people, pets may need surgery for various reasons throughout their life. Whether it’s a routine spay or neuter, treatment for a wound, or a complex soft-tissue procedure, you can rest assured that your dog or cat will be in good hands when you choose PetVet Animal Hospital for pet surgery near Carmel. Conveniently located in Fishers, we perform surgery for pets residing throughout the region and would be happy to have your pet as a patient. 

Common Procedures

We are equipped to perform a wide range of soft-tissue surgeries. While this list is by no means exhaustive, some of our most common surgical services include: 

What to Expect

When you bring your pet to us for surgery, we will be by their side every step of the way. Before their procedure, we will conduct a thorough physical exam and pre-surgical testing to ensure that they are healthy enough for general anesthesia. Their vital signs will be closely monitored during surgery, too, to ensure their safety. Once in recovery, our team will keep a close eye on them to ensure that they are comfortable and safe until it’s time to head home. 

We will provide you with complete aftercare instructions and happily answer any questions you may have regarding your pet’s procedure or aftercare. Our team believes in doing everything possible to ensure the best possible outcome for our patients, so your pet will be in excellent hands while in our care. 

Pet Surgery near Carmel

If your four-legged best friend needs pet surgery near Carmel, depend on the veterinary experts right here at PetVet Animal Hospital. Give us a call now to request additional information or to schedule a consultation.