By Guest on Tuesday, 03 August 2021
Category: Blog

National Immunization Awareness Month: What You Should Know About Pet Vaccinations in Carmel

This month is National Immunization Awareness Month, and it is an excellent time to think about your pet’s vaccination needs. Modern vaccines are safe and highly effective in safeguarding dogs and cats against potentially devastating diseases like Rabies. The risk of severe side effects is minuscule, and immunizations have proven time and time again to save lives. 

As veterinarians, we strongly recommend having your dog or cat vaccinated and ensuring that they remain up-to-date on their immunizations throughout their life. At PetVet Animal Hospital, we provide pet vaccinations in Carmel and are here to help you protect your precious pet. 

Vaccinations for Dogs and Cats

Puppies and kittens should receive their first vaccines when they are 8 weeks old, then receive boosters every four weeks until they reach 20 weeks. This schedule is also recommended for older pets with unknown vaccine histories. It is vital to ensure that your pet does not miss any doses. If they do, they may not be fully protected. Once completing the initial vaccine series, your pet will need boosters to keep their protection up-to-date throughout their life. 

For puppies and dogs, the most common vaccinations include: 

Kittens and cats are usually given the following vaccines: 

Your pet’s immunization needs may vary depending on their age, breed, lifestyle, medical history, and other factors. At PetVet Animal Hospital, our veterinarians are here to help you determine which vaccines would be most beneficial for your pet. 

Pet Vaccinations in Carmel

For pet vaccinations in Carmel, Indiana, and the surrounding areas, trust the vets right here at PetVet Animal Hospital. Contact us today to schedule your furry friend’s appointment!