By Guest on Tuesday, 29 March 2022
Category: Blog

Microchipping near Noblesville: 3 Benefits of Having Your Pet Chipped

Few things are worse than losing a pet and having no idea where they could be. As a pet parent, it’s probably one of your worst nightmares. Unfortunately, no matter how careful you are, this type of tragedy can strike any family. In a split second, an animal can dart out a door, leap from an open car window, or slip their collar, and if they aren’t microchipped, your odds of seeing them again are low. 

At PetVet Animal Hospital, we perform pet microchipping near Noblesville and recommend this simple procedure for many of our patients. Keep reading to discover a few benefits of having your pet chipped. 

1. Microchipping is permanent and has a national database.

Like tattoos, microchipping is a permanent form of identification. Unlike tattooing, though, microchipping adds your pet to a national database that stores information to help reunite lost pets and their owners. Even if your furry friend gets lost while out of state on vacation, the database will pull up your contact information. 

2. You are more likely to be reunited with your lost pet if they are microchipped. 

Even if your dog or cat wears a collar and ID tag, it could fall off or become illegible. If your pet is chipped, you can rest assured knowing that they always have ID. And having ID means rescuers will be more likely to successfully reunite you with your pet if they are found. 

3. Microchips aren’t just for identification. 

Thanks to companies like HomeAgain, microchips are being used for more than just identification. With microchip-enabled pet doors and bowls, you can restrict which pets can enter and exit your home, keep your other animals out of another pet’s prescription food, etc. These smart products make caring for your furry friend easier, and there will likely be many more hitting pet supply store shelves in the coming years. 


Microchipping near Noblesville

For pet microchipping near Noblesville, Indiana, look no further than PetVet Animal Hospital. Call now to request additional information or schedule an appointment.