By Guest on Monday, 29 November 2021
Category: Blog

Learn the Symptoms of Cancer in Honor of Pet Cancer Awareness Month

Affecting one in four dogs and one in five cats, cancer is the leading disease-related cause of pet death in the United States. And just like in humans, cancer can cause a wide range of devastating symptoms in companion animals. November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month, so now is a perfect time to learn a bit more about the most common symptoms of this disease. If you ever have any reason to think that your furry family member could have cancer, PetVet Animal Hospital is here to help. Contact us immediately to schedule an appointment. 

Common Pet Cancer Symptoms

Because cancer has so many forms and impacts different parts of the body, it can cause a wide range of symptoms. And in many instances, the symptoms are similar to those of other health issues. This is why it’s so important to see prompt veterinary attention when your dog or cat exhibits even seemingly minor symptoms. 

Some of the most common signs of cancer in pets include: 

As veterinarians, we rely on several cancer treatment modalities. The most common include radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. We will recommend the best course of action for your precious pet and help you do what’s right to give them the best quality of life possible following a cancer diagnosis. 

Contact Us Today to Schedule an Appointment

If you have any reason to think that your dog or cat could have cancer, please contact us today to schedule an appointment. We also recommend keeping up with your pet’s routine wellness care. Bringing them in for wellness exams allows us to monitor their ongoing health and detect early warning signs of serious health problems, including cancer.