By Guest on Monday, 23 January 2023
Category: Blog

How to Identify Stress in Your Pet

The holidays have come and gone, but that doesn’t mean the stress associated with the season should be forgotten. As we all adjust to life after the holidays and try our best to get back into a normal routine, it’s important to remember that our pets may also be feeling the effects of post-holiday stress. To ensure your pet is happy and healthy during this time of transition, it’s important to be able to recognize signs of stress in your pets. Here are some tips from PetVet Animal Hospital on how to identify if your pet is stressed out. 

Behavioral Changes 

Behavioral changes in your pet can indicate they are feeling anxious or stressed. If you notice that your pet is exhibiting unusual behavior such as increased aggression, restlessness, destruction of property, or excessive barking or meowing—these could all be signs of anxiety or stress. It’s also worth noting that some animals may display opposite behaviors when they are feeling overwhelmed; if your typically active pet suddenly becomes withdrawn or unresponsive, this could be an indication something is wrong. 

Physical Manifestations 

Stress can manifest itself physically as well as emotionally in our pets. If you observe any physical changes in your pet including loss of appetite, rapid breathing, trembling or shaking, excessive scratching and licking, chronic diarrhea or vomiting—these can all point to a physically stressed animal. Other physical symptoms of anxiety may include excessive drooling, dilated pupils, stumbling/stumbling gait and/or hair loss due to over-grooming.   These symptoms alone can often indicate an underlying health issue so it’s important for you to contact us immediately for an examination if you see any of these signs in your pet. 

Health Impacts 

It’s easy for us humans to overlook the fact that stress has serious implications for our furry friends just like it does for us humans. Untreated chronic stress can lead to severe medical issues such as hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, and digestive problems in pets. Long-term exposure to high levels of stress hormones can even lead to weakened immune systems leaving them vulnerable and more prone to infection and illness. This is why it’s incredibly important for you as a responsible pet owner to monitor for potential signs of stress in your pet so that you can help manage their overall health and well-being.  


 Stress is no fun for anyone—especially not our furry friends! By taking the time now to observe how our pets are doing both emotionally and physically, we are taking proactive steps toward ensuring they stay healthy and happy at home with us. If you feel like something might be amiss with your beloved companion please don't hesitate to reach out so we can schedule an exam for them right away. We are here to help.